Coin Toss

Here's a betting game that everyone can enjoy: Coin Toss! This simple game mimics the real-life coin toss but in a digital format. Begin by betting on which side you think will land face up, heads or tails. Then, push the toss button and wait for the results! It's a fun way to pass the time and can be used in various scenarios, such as deciding who goes first in a game, settling friendly disputes, or just testing your luck. Playable on both mobile devices and desktops, Coin Toss is compatible with Android and iOS. Give it a try and see if luck is on your side!

How to play: The game starts with a coin without any label of heads or tails. To begin, make your bet via the bet tab in the upper right corner of the screen. Choose either heads or tails, then click the red button to toss the coin and wait for the results.

Controls: On the desktop, use your mouse to click on the heads or tails selection button and the toss coin button. On touchscreen devices, tap the buttons with your fingers.

Gameplay: It's a straightforward heads or tails coin toss game. First, make your bet by choosing either heads or tails. Then, push the red button and wait for the results. The game will inform you if you win or lose. To proceed, click on the green button and repeat the process if you want to toss the coin again.


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