Dot Turn

Dot Turn may look simple, but it's surprisingly thrilling! You control a white dot that moves automatically across the screen. Your goal is to collect the gray balls that appear, but to do that you'll need to make quick turns. The challenge is that there are other dot "hunters" crossing the screen, and you have to avoid running into them at all costs. The combination of the dot's constant forward movement, the need for precise turning, and the threat of the chasing dots creates a real rush of adrenaline as you play. It's an addictive game that takes quick reflexes and sharp focus to master.

How to Play: To start, simply click or tap the Play button on the title screen. You can also adjust the settings before you begin.

Desktop: Click the mouse to make the white dot turn.

Touchscreen: Tap the screen to make the white dot turn.

Gameplay: This game is like the classic "snake" game, but with a twist. You control a white dot, and the goal is to collect the gray balls that appear on the screen. The more gray balls you get, the higher your score. To collect the balls, you need to guide your white dot to them by making turns. The challenge is that there are other crossing dot "hunters" moving around. If you hit one of these hunters, the game will be over!


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