How Many Left and Right

How Many Left & Right is an educational game that challenges you to count how many characters are facing left and how many are facing right. You have just 50 seconds to complete the task, so be quick and accurate! The faster you count, the higher your score. This game is perfect for sharpening your counting skills and attention to detail. It's available on both mobile and desktop devices, and fully compatible with Android and iOS, so you can play it anytime, anywhere. See how many you can get right before time runs out!

How to Play: After the initial screen that shows the game developer's logo, tap or click underneath to proceed to the welcome screen. Here, you'll find several buttons. In the upper left corner, there's a button to toggle the music on or off. On the upper right, you'll find links to the developer's other games and additional information. If you need instructions on how to play, tap the "How to Play" button at the bottom of the screen. To start the game, click or tap the play icon in the center, which is being pulled by two bears on a bike.

Controls: On desktop, use your mouse to click the left or right buttons. On touchscreen devices, simply tap the left or right buttons.

Gameplay: The goal of the game is straightforward: count how many characters are facing left and how many are facing right. Use the left and right buttons at the bottom of the screen to input your count. Once you think you have the correct numbers, click the "check" button in the upper left corner to submit your answer and move to the next level. Remember, you only have 50 seconds per game, so be quick and accurate!


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