Math Quiz

Math Quiz is a fantastic game for kids to practice their math skills! In this endless number-solving game, players solve math problems and then submit their answers. The game features simple graphics that display the problems on a blackboard, making it easy for kids to focus on their calculations. With a focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, Math Quiz helps kids strengthen their basic math abilities while having fun. Perfect for honing math skills engagingly and interactively!

"How to play: The welcome screen features a blackboard with the game title and a ""Play"" text. Tap the ""Play"" text to start the game.

Controls: On the desktop, click on the answer tab and input your numerical answer. On touchscreen devices, tap the answer tab and enter your answer.

Gameplay: This straightforward math game presents a series of basic arithmetic problems on the blackboard, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Enter your answer in the answer tab and tap the submit button. The game will tell you if your answer is correct or incorrect and provide the correct answer if needed. Be cautious with negative answers!"


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