What Sound is This?

What Sound is This? is an engaging and educational game designed for children to test their listening and attention skills by guessing animal sounds. The game features 20 colorful animal images and corresponding sounds, including domestic animals like cats and dogs, farm animals such as pigs, cows, and hens, and wild animals like wolves, lions, and snakes. The goal is to correctly identify the sound of each animal. Players can listen to the sound as many times as needed before making their choice by pressing the animal icons. If they guess incorrectly three times, the game ends. This auditory game is perfect for helping kids improve their focus, listening skills, and ability to associate animals with their sounds. It’s playable on both desktop and mobile devices, compatible with Android and iOS.

How to play: Start by clicking the hand icon on the "Basso Games" page to enter the game. Select the PLAY button to begin, or click HOW TO PLAY for instructions. Use the home icon to return to the menu. Control sound with the note button; an "x" means sound is off. The magnifying glass shows info about the programmer, and the controller icon leads to more games.

Controls: On desktop, click the speaker icon and select the correct animal. On touchscreen, tap the speaker and the right animal image.

Gameplay: Rotate your screen for a better view. Tap the yellow speaker to hear an animal sound, then tap the correct animal icon. You'll get a positive sound for correct answers and a buzzer for wrong ones. You have three lives, shown as pink hearts. Guess all 20 animal sounds correctly to win; lose all three hearts, and it's game over.


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