Ballio is a challenging 30-stage logic puzzle game inspired by Dutch shuffleboard. The objective is to remove all but one piece from the board. You achieve this by selecting pieces and moving them towards others, knocking them off the board. The game requires careful thought and patience, as each move must be planned strategically. With multiple possible solutions, your success depends on finding the right one. Are you ready to put your brain to the test and play through all 30 levels? Good luck!

"How to Play: Begin by tapping the center of the game's welcome screen to open the level selection menu. At first, only the initial level is accessible, you need to unlock the next level by finishing the previous one. The game will automatically save your progress in your web browser. On the welcome screen, there is a sound control button in the top right corner and a ""more games"" button at the bottom.

Desktop Controls: Click and hold the left mouse button to select a ball, then drag it in the direction you want it to move.

Touchscreen Devices: Tap and hold on the screen with your finger, then drag your finger to move the balls.

Gameplay: Balls can only be slung in the direction of another ball. They will stop one square short of the ball they encounter. Balls that are hit will be knocked off the screen unless there is another ball further along the same row or column. In a chain reaction, each ball hit stops one square short of the next ball, with the last ball in the chain being sent off-screen. Balls cannot be slung if they are touching; there must be space between them. If you're stuck, try starting the level with a different ball or hitting balls in a different direction. Generally, moving balls from the outer edges inward works better than moving from the center outward. Aligning all balls into a single row or column simplifies winning. A common strategy is to form an L shape or similar pattern, but remember to adjust balls to ensure they align correctly for the final moves."


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