Black Assassin

Immersive and visually stunning, Black Assassin is an adventure game designed with high-resolution graphics and captivating game effects, perfect for mobile devices. Set in 9th-century China, dive into thrilling action-packed assassin adventures across 24 stages, featuring a wide range of cool weapons for an exciting gaming experience.

How to play: On the welcome page there are three tabs. Click on the Item Shop tab to buy arrows and bombs. Click on the Upgrade tab to purchase special skills. There are also buttons to tweak the music and audio. To start the game, click on the Start button.

Desktop: Use the left and right arrow button to move. Click on the Up button to jump and the down button to crouch. Use you mouse to choose what special skills or powers to use.

Touchscreen devices: Tap the left and right movement icons to move. Tap on the punch icon to fight enemies while tap on the arrow up icon to jump.

Gameplay: Fight rouge ninjas along your path. Use your kicking skills or any of the three special skills or power that you have. Collect specialty items such as shields, arrows, and coins along the way. Be mindful of your life bar!


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