Number Guess

Number Guess is a straightforward game where you challenge the computer to guess a number you choose between 1 and 64 within just six attempts. The computer will make guesses and show you a series of numbers to find the one you picked. Your task is to see if you can outsmart the computer’s guessing skills! This game is compatible with both mobile and desktop devices and works well on Android and iOS platforms. It offers a fun and engaging way to test your luck and see if you can keep your chosen number a secret!

How to play: On the welcome page, you'll see a prompt saying ""Think of a number between 1 and 64."" Once you have a number in mind, click on the ""I thought"" button to begin the number-guessing game.

Controls: On the desktop, use your mouse to click the check or x buttons. On touchscreen devices, tap the check or x buttons with your fingers.

Gameplay: The computer will start by asking you to think of a number between 1 and 64. After you have your number, proceed with the game. The computer will have 6 attempts to guess your number. Each attempt will present a series of numbers in batches of 32, and you'll need to indicate whether your chosen number is among them. By the sixth try, the computer will always guess your number correctly.


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