Stacks is a simple and addictive stacking tower game! The goal is to build a tower from falling platforms. The higher you go, the better, but there's a catch. Each time a platform falls and stacks on your tower, any excess edges get trimmed off. This means you need to align each falling platform perfectly with the tower below it. If not, the top of your tower will shrink, making it harder to align the next platform. The game continues endlessly as long as you keep stacking accurately. Aim for the highest score by building the tallest and most stable tower possible!

How to play: On the welcome page, you'll see the game title, your last game's score, the best score, a sensitivity toggle, a Ready button, and social media sharing buttons. Toggle the sensitivity button by clicking or tapping it to adjust the sensitivity. Click the Ready button to begin the game.

Desktop: Use the A and D keys or the arrow keys to move left or right.

Touchscreen devices: Tap the left or right side of the screen to move.

Gameplay: This is an endless tower stacking game with simple rules and a minimalist design. The game starts as a platform falls to the bottom of the screen. Another platform will follow, and your goal is to perfectly align the falling platform with the one already stacked. If you don't align it perfectly, the edges will be trimmed, making the next falling platform smaller. The smaller the platforms get, the harder it becomes to stack them. Adjusting the sensitivity can help optimize your play for better alignment.


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