What Number is It?

What Number is It? is a fun and interactive game where players listen to a sound and must guess which number it corresponds to. The game challenges your listening and recognition skills, offering an enjoyable way to test your knowledge of numbers. Can you guess all the numbers correctly? Each sound is associated with a specific number, and your goal is to match them all. The game is perfect for kids or anyone looking for a quick and entertaining brain teaser. Playable on both desktop and mobile devices, it is also compatible with Android and iOS platforms, making it easy to enjoy anywhere.

How to play: The game starts on a screen with the developer's logo. Select the hand icon on the bottom left corner to enter the main menu. From there, tap the PLAY button to begin. If you need instructions, select the HOW TO PLAY button for a quick overview. Use the note icon to toggle music and sound effects, the magnifying glass for developer information, and the controller icon to explore more games.

Controls: On desktop, click the speaker icon to hear the number, then click on the correct number image. On touchscreen devices, tap the speaker icon and then the correct number image.

Gameplay: Rotate your screen horizontally for a better view. Tap the yellow speaker button to listen to a spoken number. After listening, select the correct number from the options on the screen. You can replay the audio as many times as needed before choosing. If correct, you’ll hear a positive sound; if wrong, a buzzer will sound. You have three lives, represented by pink hearts, and the game ends when all hearts turn gray. Continue until you’ve matched all 10 numbers, aiming for a perfect score to unlock the Congratulations screen.


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