Open The Lock

Open the Lock is an engaging HTML5 and mobile game designed to keep you entertained. This simple yet exciting infinite game tests your reflexes as you try to hit the red line with precision. Be quick, but make sure to hit the target accurately, as early or late clicks won't count. Perfect for passing the time, Open the Lock offers endless fun and a great way to sharpen your reflexes.

How to play:
There is no traditional welcome screen; tapping or clicking anywhere on the screen will start the game. You can toggle the music on or off using the musical note icon in the upper right corner.

On desktop, use the left mouse button to change the direction of the lock. On touchscreen devices, tap any part of the screen to change the lock's direction.

This is an endless game requiring fast reflexes. A lock has a red tic-tac shape orbiting within it. Your goal is to click the screen when the red tic-tac lands on the yellow dot, which appears randomly. The orbit speed increases as the game progresses. Your score is based on how many times you successfully land the red tic-tac on the yellow dot.


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